Below is a list of upcoming Singing Club public performances.
For details of Chepstow Chatelaines follow this link: – Upcoming Chats Performances.

Last updated 13/02/2025.


Saturday 1st March, 11am-12 noon: the three Chepstow-based Singing Club groups will be singing to celebrate St David’s Day at the palmer Centre, Cormeilles Square.

Tuesday 4th March, 7.30pm, Sessions house, Usk: An informal St David’s Day concert and sing-a-long with Usk Singing Club.

Wednesday 2nd April, St Tewdric’s Church , Mathern 7.30pm – Duke’s Yard ‘Spring Concert’ celebrating St Tewdric’s Day. (For members of DY Singing club).

Saturday 29th March: Voices for the Wye: Concert at Chepstow Drill Hall with Carmina, in support of Gwent Wildlife Trust and the campaign to clean up River Wye. Includes a short play ‘Doreen’s Big Catch’ about the biggest ever Salmon caught in the Wye (in 1923), and an art display. Doors open 7pm for 7.30 start. Tickets £10 available in advance from Chepstow Bookshop, or from Roger Kerley (07790 244623), or from Eventbrite: (on-line booking fee £1.55 applies).

Tuesday 15th April (morning): Singing at MENCAP pop-up cafe, Old Board School, Bridge St Chepstow. 10.30am.

Saturday 16th August 2025, SC singing on Chepstow Bandstand for the Duck Race in aid of SARA (time to be advised).